Friday, April 1, 2011


It's April watch out today for pranks, mischief, and never know where it will come from. It can even come from reputable sources...professors, the newspaper, the radio...the PaulA.

About ten years ago on April 1st, Burger King announced they were offering the "Left-handed Whopper." The condiments were rotated 180 degrees so the toppings would no longer squish out from the right side of the bun. Equal rights for lefty burger lovers.

Thousands of customers requested the new left-handed Whopper...and others made sure they got the original right-handed burger. Apparently there were a lot of gulp-able people who swallowed that one WHOLE. But why wouldn't they...we have left-hand scissors? It might even be a mandate in the "Bill of Equal Handed Rights." Hey, you gotta hand it to BK...(left or right?)...What a Whopper of a prank.

I used to love April Fool's Day when the kids were little.
Colinboy would limp in the door after school and say, "Mom, I broke my leg. APRIL FOOL'S! Then he'd take off in a full sprint across the room.
Big C would put on a sad face and say, "Mom, I flunked my spelling test. APRIL FOOL'S! I got a 100!
Wishy would get excited and yell, "Momma, there's a big spider behind you! APRIL FOOL'S.
Those pranksters were so clever. I don't how they did it...but they GOT me every time.


Everyone is a jokester on April 1st...even PaulA. This morning he sent an email to the family that he was getting his head shaved before noon for charity and would send out a picture later.

PaulA's brother emailed back: I hope you don't end up looking like that shooter in Arizona. But the kids least for a little while. Big C called me from work and Colinboy kept texting me.

I hated to do it...but I had to play along with PaulA's least for a little while. I thought of all those time those little devils GOT me.....
Pay Back is a Bitch.

Kudos to PaulA for a clever April Fool's GOTCHA.

PS. Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit


choose to be happy blog said...

hahaha!!! sooo funny! we are such jokesters! love you katwoman and that is no joke!

choose to be happy blog said...

even frankie emailed me and asked if Dad was really doing it!!!