Friday, January 9, 2009

Disconnected Blogger

What’s a blogger to do when you can’t get online? Earlier today I sat down at my computer and assumed the blogger position. Eyes straight ahead…transfixed on the screen and blinking cursor. Arms extended to keyboard…ass spreadin’ out…so far and wide. Keep Manhattan, butt….Anyway….

When I hit “enter”…I got a code on the screen…something about ‘unable to connect’…something or another about ‘DSL problem’…and something about ‘attempted AOL.’ I don’t know. It’s all Geek (I mean, Greek) to me. Even though I’m not that good at foreign languages...I got the message that I couldn’t connect to the outside world. OMG….Now what?

I didn’t want to disappoint the 2 or 3 people reading my blog. How do I connect with my peeps when I can’t connect? Woah…does this mean I will have to actually enter the outside world and talk to people…make a real life connection. Yikes!

I’ve always said that the one person who is the most helpful to me is the person who can fix my computer and connect me to the outside world. Even more than someone who would clean my house, or do my laundry…or even…and this is a big one…go grocery shopping for me. Nope. The computer expert wins Most Valuable.

So before I jumped to call Mr. Computer Expert to help me out…I thought I would try the one thing I know to do…disconnect and reconnect. This is technical stuff, so hang in there. I did a dis- and then a re- with all the cords between the computer and the wireless router. Then I turned the thing back on and the damn thing worked. Wow…am I good! Watch out Mr. Computer Expert. I’m gonna steal your job. But seeing all I can do at this point is perform the dis- and the re- ……..customers would probably tie me up with a computer cord, bonk me with the battery, and serve me to the Geeks.

So lucky for you and me…we are now connected…because I’m reconnected…and not disconnected. Ahhhhh. Wait a minute now…I can hear you thinking; “Kat, you’ve been disconnected for a long time.”

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