Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happy 100 To Me!

The other day I reached the number 100! (That’s funny Kat…you don’t look a day over 96.) Okay, not in age…I’m not that ancient. I have actually written over 100 blog entries…and that’s a lot of blogna. (Wow…I must have a big mouth.) My 100th entry was about Tiger Woods and his PGA tournament winning streak. Unfortunately, I jinxed him. (In case you read my blog… “Sorry Tiger.”)

So like other people who have hit milestones…I thought I should at least mention my 100th landmark number. You know, like when Ellen hit her 100th show. I think they rolled out a giant cake. And when Jerry Springer hit his 100th show …I think a giant guy rolled out his ex-wife’s cousin’s illegitimate daughter’s half-brother who had been sleeping with his girlfriend. (Not that I ever watch his show.)

100 is a big number…a milestone. 100 bottles of beer on the wall, is a lot of beer on the wall. (Unfortunately if you took one down…you would only have 99 bottles of beer on the wall.) If I shot a 100 for 18 holes of golf (speaking of Tiger) that would be a milestone for me…I would do a jig. (I think Tiger would club himself over the head with his driver at least 100 times if he did that.) And if I ate a 100 hot dogs in a hot dog eating contest….that would be my personal best.

Thanks for putting up with me for 100 blogs.

Dell desktop computer…................ 600 dollars
AOL internet service…....................25 dollars/mo.
Time wasted writing 100 blogs….....priceless


Anonymous said...

How about time wasted reading 100 Blogs!

Anonymous said...

go kitty kat its your birfday!!!!