Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Blog Habit

Have you missed me? (Ya Kat, like a hole in the head.) I was thinking I better post a blog soon otherwise I would lose what few peeps I have…and then I would be peep-less. And what is a blogger without peeps? Think of Little Bo with out her peep…very sad.

Wishy has a vacation week off from school…so I decided to try a vacation from my blog. I needed to see what it would be like to give up my habitual blog posting. What would happen to me? I was wondering if I would go through blog withdrawal and start getting the shakes ...from lack of blog. The blog is powerful stuff. Before you realize it, the blog has its grip on you and you’re hooked. I have posted over 100 blogs and I am beginning to doubt my contribution as a productive member of society…hiding behind my blue screen and blinking cursor.

I thought I should take a break from blogworld…maybe start with shorter and shorter blogs. See if I could make it through one day…put one blogless day in front of another…and eventually string 2 blog-free days together….get something going.

Instead, I decided to go for it... go cold blog turkey…and I made it through 3 whole days. Then I slipped. They say you do that when you try to go cold turkey…that there is always set backs and it is common to fall off the blogger wagon.

So I acknowledge my weakness …Hi I am Kat and I am a hack blogger. I am admitting that I am powerless over writing mindless blogs. I have to examine my past blogs and make amends to those reading my postings. Maybe I need an intervention…have my family gather around me and tell me how I have not attended to their needs because I have been wallowing in blogs. Maybe a sponsor could help stop me when I feel the need to sneak off and fire off a blog.

I never thought that when I first started blogging back in September 2007 that I would still be blogging today. The blogspot website should come with a warning: Caution! Blogging can become habit forming. And lucky for you, I am finding it hard to kick the blog habit. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back! I need my fix too, ya know! -- LDL (the bad cholesterol..haha)