Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

2008…a New Year… a clean slate. Only looking forward now…to look back would not be productive. After all….that was so 2007. Now is the time to think about resolutions. I have to admit I have not really formulated any resolutions in the past…so maybe this is the year. There are so many areas I could work on, it is just so hard to choose.

What is your resolution? Of course, there are the usual…eat healthy and workout, be nicer to the spouse, and refrain from kicking the dog. Very boring. It would be good to come up with a few resolutions that would actually be fun to do and might actually get done. Hmm… what would that be?

I decided to look to my kids for ideas. After all, they seem so happy. Let’s see what I can get from them. Resolution #1: Laugh…often and loud (a page from the book of Bri.) Resolution #2: Shop for a new outfit at least once a week (a page from the book of Chels.) Resolution #3: Sleep until 2 pm every weekend (a page from the book of Colinboy.)

Personally I’m sticking with the ole faithful resolutions…eat healthy and workout, be nicer to my husband and refrain from kicking the dog…but have fun with yours.
ps. Don't forget...Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit...for good luck through the New Year!!!

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